

Who We Are?

We are the church of the living Lord, made up of people who follow Jesus and love to serve Him by serving others. Who we are as a church is best described in Our Purpose, Our Mission, and Our Vision. However, to truly know who we are, one must spend time with us.

Our Purpose

Love God & Love People

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind... You shall love your neighbor as yourself"     (Matthew 22:37-40).

Our Mission

First Baptist Church of Florence exists to love God and to love people by making disciples who passionately worship, spiritually grow, and intentionally share Jesus with the lost.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen" (Matthew 22:37-40).

Our Vision

As God's people at FBC Florence   we will seek to make disciples by magnifying the name of Jesus. This will be accomplished by God through the church as we...

  • Provide worship services that are welcoming, passionate & Scriptural.
  • Preach & Teach the Word of God accurately, completely & applicably.
  • Pursue the lost through evangelistic ministries & missional opportunities.
  • Prayerfully seek spiritual revival of God's. people & spiritual awakening of the lost.

What We Believe

Florence First Baptist Church is a Bible believing and teaching church that models our faith and practices after the New Testament Church. We are an autonomous church that cooperates with the Southern Baptist Convention, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and the Florence Baptist Association. To learn more about the beliefs that we hold dear, please click the button below.

Learn More

I'm New Here


What will the experience be like?

  • The AM Worship Services include music that is primarily traditional, but does include contemporary praise songs. We do have a choir that a leads in music during the service, as well as soloist each week.
  • The message will be delivered by expository preaching and will address real issues that people face every day. You can expect to be encouraged as well as challenged; enlightened as well as convicted; and it is our belief that every time the Word of God is taught, decisions will be made.
  • Each morning service will last between 65 minutes and 75 minutes. Our Sunday evening services are condensed. There is usually no choir, but there will be congregational singing and a message from God's Word. The evening service is approximately 1 hour in duration.

How early Should I get there?

  • Plan on arriving at least 15 minutes before the service starts. This will give you time to park and be seated prior to the start of the service. You will find a friendly environment and arriving early will give you the opportunity to meet others.
  • There is a Children's Church that takes place during the AM Worship service. You may want to come a little earlier to check them in and to visit our children's area.

What should I wear?

  • We have people that attend our church from a variety of backgrounds. Although our pastor usually wears a suit in the AM Service, the attire of the congregation differs greatly. From suits to shorts, dresses to jeans, whatever makes you most comfortable. If you are casually dressed, you will fit in. 

 What about my kids

  • We do have a nursery, Children's Church for toddlers, and Children's Church for 1st through 3rd Grade. Your children will be led and watched by a staff and volunteers who have been Ministry Safe certified through training and background checks.
  • We also have a Children's Bulletin for the Worship Services, designed for our 4th and 5th graders to easily follow along with the flow of the service.

I've been attending for a while, what's next?

  • There are many different ways that you can get involved at Florence First. Follow the link provided to help you to discover the NEXT STEP for you.



Our Ministry Team

Dr. Michael Crawford

Senior Pastor

Rev. Harry Adkins

Associate Pastor, Music & Senior Adults

Ashley Adams

Director of Youth Ministries &                Missions Coordinator

Deborah Crawford

Director of Children's Ministries

Our Ministry Support Team

Faye Joye

Ministry Assistant

Ann Dowling

Church Organist

Arlene Lavigne

Financial Assistant

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