

That mission is to tell others about Jesus and we seek to do so in a variety of ways.  Jesus tells in Matthew 28:19-20, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

Will you join us in this great calling?

The Mission Process


We give to various Mission Emphases and organizations throughout the church year.


We seek to go deeper with our ministry partners by serving with them in the community.

03 GO

We go out beyond our community to share the name of Jesus through Mission Trips.


Japan Mission Trip

April 21-30, 2025

Japan is a country in desperate need of the Gospel.  Less than 1% profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  The majority of Japanese people are Hindu, Shinto or have no religion at all.  Their identity is wrapped up in the honor/shame system and their value is tied to their work.  They need the hope of Jesus.  We have a team of 9 individuals making the long journey to tell others about Jesus.  We'll be partnering with a church in Tokyo to assist in this important work.  The Lord has provided this incredible opportunity to go, and we are answering that call!

Will you help us pray as we pray for this trip?  Your prayers will sustain us as we plan, fundraise, learn the language and much more in the coming months. 

Want to support our trip?  Click the link below to visit the page for our upcoming fundraiser!

Art Auction Fundraiser

Mission Outreach

God has blessed us with three main ministries to help us reach out to those in the community that need the hope of Jesus Christ.  We're always eager to add more people to help us in building God's Kingdom!

Good News Club

This ministry creates opportunities to share the Gospel with children in local schools.  Our church hosts a GNC at Lester Elementary sharing the Gospel through Bible study, songs and activities.  We'll begin on Thursday, October 17th!

Learn more at www.heartofthepalmetto.org

Heart 4 Schools

We have recently formed a partnership with Heart 4 Schools, an outreach in the schools as part of the South Carolina Baptist Convention.  Through this ministry we are seeking to build deeper relationships with the local schools we have adopted. 

Learn more at www.heart4schools.org

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse that shares the Gospel with children all over the world through a shoebox.  Throughout the year we collect items to fill the shoeboxes that we put together out our annual packing party in the Fall.

Learn more at www.samaritanspurse.org

Our Ministry Partners

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