
We're pointing Kids to Jesus!

For Babies through 5th Grade

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We want to keep your kids SAFE

Each of our volunteers who work with minors under the age of 18 are carefully screened and required to complete a Background Check.  Our go to source is Ministry Safe which requires each potential volunteer to complete Child Protection Training.  Our desire here at Florence First is to make sure everyone feels safe and secure while hearing about Jesus.  For more information about Ministry Safe visit

Children's Bible Studies

Sunday School &

Children's Church

We are using the Answers in Genesis Curriculum. This curriculum introduces children to the wonders found in God's Word and lays a foundation of theology.   As they learn they memorize Scripture and take part in hands on activities.

Wednesday Night

Mission Friends (MF) is a curriculum from the Women's Missionary Union (WMU).  In this curriculum for preschoolers, the children begin learning what it means to live on mission for the Lord and are provided with hands on opportunities to serve.  They also learn about missionaries that have served or are currently serving on the mission field.

Wednesday Night

Children in Action (CIA) is a curriculum from the Women's Missionary Union (WMU).  In this curriculum for 1st - 5th graders, students hear in depth stories about missionaries, participate in hands on mission projects and go out to serve on mission.  Those who participate earn badges throughout the year for serving, attendance, Scripture memorization, etc.

Yearly Children's Events

Throughout the year many mission and ministry opportunities are offered to our children and their families, but here are a few that we return to each year as a way to love on church, reach out to our community and show our love for Jesus.

Pinewood Derby Day

WOW!  What a fun and amazing night!  Thank you to everyone who made this night possible and a huge success!  We'll see you for our 3rd Annual Race in the Spring of 2025!

Girls' Tea Party & M.E.S.S. Hall (Men Encountering Spiritual Success)

We had a truly joyous time fellowshipping together with our respective groups!  Thank you so much to those who decorated, brought food, prepared the devotions and so on.  Be on the lookout for the next one in the near future!

Children's Celebration

Sunday, May 18th

 Morning Worship

Sundays at FBC


Babies - Kindergarten

Children's Church

 1st - 3rd Grade

The Bridge

 4th & 5th Grade

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